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Bolting Series 2.0


Enhancing Safety and Productivity: MASPRO's Next-Generation Drilling Parts

MASPRO's Bolting Series 2.0 offers a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored to optimise drilling operations in underground excavation. At its core lies a commitment to reliability, efficiency, and safety, evident in every component meticulously engineered for peak performance. Central to the series is the Cradle and Pipe Assembly, a testament to MASPRO's dedication to overcoming the limitations of traditional drilling equipment. With speciality alloys designed to withstand the rigours of high-stress environments, this assembly ensures durability and longevity, while features such as the drop safety mechanism mitigate operational risks.Enhancements like the sturdy mounting plate, removable service cover, and improved support plate exemplify MASPRO's attention to detail. Completing the Bolting series are components like the Bolting Inner Zoom, Bolting Cylinder, and Bolting DPU, each engineered with precision and utilising proprietary alloys to deliver unmatched performance. With MASPRO's Bolting Series 2.0, you can expect heightened productivity, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced safety.

Bolting Inner Zoom

OEM Left Part No: BG01440847 OEM Right Part No: BG01440850 MASPRO Left Part No: 010207061 MASPRO Right Part No: 010207030 Designed alongside the Bolting Cradle Assy, the MASPRO Bolting Inner Zoom is manufactured from high grade specialty alloys, picked for extreme strength to weight and fatigue stress performance

Bolting Cylinder

OEM Part No: 55175516 MASPRO Part No: 010206038 Modified bolting cylinder features a self-aligning bearing setup, and the cylinder has been designed for a high stress, corrosive environment which is reflected in both the specialty alloys that are used in the manufacture and high quality control standards.

Bolting DPU

OEM Left Part No: 55156730 OEM Right Part No: 55156773 MASPRO Left Part No: 010207062 MASPRO Right Part No: 010207063 All components of the DPU have been manufactured using a proprietary alloy developed by MASPRO for the purpose of a high fatigue stress bolting environment.The geometry of the components have been designed using industry leading Computer Aided Engineering and Manufacturing to give repeatable, industry leading performance for the bolting application.

Bolting Cradle Assembly

OEM Part No: BG00370652ASSY MASPRO Part No: 010201008 Cradle and Pipe Assembly has been designed and manufactured as a solution for issues seen by competitors' products in the bolting application of the SB60 Jumbo. Made from speciality alloys, designed to withstand the high fatigue stresses of bolting in regular operation. The Cradle weldment has been fabricated with highest possible fatigue life as part of design and the pivot shaft has been upgraded to incorporate a drop safety feature, reducing the risk of the feed assembly falling off the rollover, as seen in competitor's product where the pivot shaft comes away from the feed cradle weldment during bolting use.


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Series 2.0

DRILLS Reengineered to bolt


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