Fast Delivery

Stead supply of parts for shorter lead times

At MASPRO, we see this all too often. A part fails on a critical piece of mining equipment and we get the call from the site mining mechanic or fitter. Can we ship the part to a remote location overnight?

Yes, we can. We’re the team you turn to when time is critical.

MASPRO is a specialist in mining; we understand the pressures you’re under.

We keep a good supply of commonly used parts, ones we know wear quickly in the harsh conditions in our main. And now we have a warehouse in Perth, the mining capital of Western Australia. We measure ‘quality’ against best practice engineering methods, Raw material selection for the application and the downright indisputable performance of our parts in the field.

When you make that call, you can be confident we’ll deliver the right part at the right time.

We’ve built an excellent reputation in the mining industry for quality and on-time delivery. In fact, we have contracts with major mining and mining service companies, junior miners and owner/operators in Australia, New Zealand and Africa.

We have distribution centres for underground and surface mining parts in Western Australia, Queensland, Tasmania and New South Wales and an upcoming warehouse in Mount Isa to ensure you get your part when you need it the most.

Meet Daniel! He is our warehouse manager at the Perth Warehouse. Daniel has been managing the warehouse very efficiently and has always made sure that it has the necessary stock for easy delivery.
Daniel Wyyne

You can rely on MASPRO for your spare parts needs

If you’re managing procurement and thought you couldn’t find a dependable supplier with unbeatable quality, competitive pricing, strong in-stock position PLUS full technical and customer service support, think again.

Established in 2006, MASPRO is proudly Australian, family-owned and operated, with manufacturing and testing facilities in Condobolin, NSW.

Give us a call